Our Sanghas are Building a Database of Children

Over the next two weeks, girls from the KKS sanghas are visiting each household in their village to create a database of all children in Kukanoor Taluk of Koppal district. The girls are part of Kanasu Kishori Sanghatane, a network of 250 sanghas of adolescent girls in the taluk.

The purpose of this door-to-door survey is to ensure that all children of school-going age are enrolled in school. Once this list of all children in the taluk is ready, the sanghas plan to track and periodically verify that all of the children in their database are actually going to school. If they find children who are not going to school, the sanghas will meet with the child and parents to find out what is preventing the child from attending school. They will persuade the parents and other stakeholders to ensure the child’s right to education can be met.

It takes me 5-7 minutes to get the details of each child”, says Lakshmi. “Sometimes, I request to see the child’s Aadhaar card, as parents might not be sure of the child’s exact age. That’s when it takes more time.” 

Based on government records, the KKS sanghas estimate there are about 30,000 children in Kukanoor taluk. All 250 sanghas are out in the villages to make sure they get details of every child.



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