Our Leadership Summer Camp has started

“I couldn’t sleep last night with all the excitement”, laughs Pavithra. “I should have been tired after all the yoga, and farming and dancing and everything. But we were all talking non-stop even after we went to our rooms. I can’t wait for today.”

Pavithra and friends are part of the Leadership Summer Camp that has kicked off in our Koppal campus. 25 girls from Kukanoor taluk of Koppal district are participating in the camp organized by Kanasu Kishori Sanghatane (KKS). KKS is a network of 250 sanghas of adolescent girls in the taluk. The objective of the network is to empower girls and to build a network that supports them in the community.

At the camp, the girls deepen their understanding of social issues and develop their skills to advocate for justice. The camp combines games, theatre, art and agriculture to increase the confidence and skills of the girls. The girls also get an opportunity to interact with a wide range of people who are already working for justice.

“We see tremendous leadership potential among the girls in our sanghas. For this camp, we could only enrol 25 girls. There are so many more girls who could benefit from camps like this”, says Asha Shirady who leads the KKS project.

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