Gender, Health and Wellbeing

Gender, Health and Wellbeing

Exploring Inter-sectionalities and Strategies
A 3-Day workshop for health professionals, researchers, community facilitators and anyone who is passionate about the topic.
Nov 4 to 6, 2024 at Visthar, Bengaluru

The interconnectedness of gender, health, and well-being is a critical issue that demands attention. Understanding how gender norms, power dynamics, and social determinants influence health outcomes is essential for promoting equitable health services and advancing human rights. This workshop aims to explore this multifaceted relationship, highlighting the impact of gender on health and well-being.

Facilitators/Resource Persons
Course Fee and Registration
  • Deepen understanding of gender and intersectionality with other social factors.
  • Challenge harmful gender norms and stereotypes that contribute to health disparities.
  • Analyse the social determinants of health, with a focus on gender-based inequalities.
  • Explore community-based interventions that promote gender equality and equity in the health sector.
  • Develop strategies to mainstream gender towards more equitable and inclusive health interventions.
  1. Gender Concepts and Intersectionality

  2. Gender-Based Violence

  3. Gender and Health Disparities

  4. Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights

  5. Mental Health and Gender

  6. Mainstreaming Gender in Health

  7. Gender-Responsive Health Interventions

The workshop will be facilitated by a team of health and development professionals, including specialists in gender providing a comprehensive and nuanced exploration. The facilitating team comprises:

  • Shantidani Minz

  • David Selvaraj

  • Raajkumari Nimbale

  • Mercy Kappen

  • Dates: 4-6 November 2024

  • Venue: Visthar, Bengaluru

  • Workshop Fee: Rs. 6000/- (residential), Rs. 3000/- (day scholars)

  • Last date to apply: 5th October

For more details, please write to [email protected]